Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What is Good Business Sense?

While Sandwell Um & R about a few days free parking, or have meetings to decide if parking charges should go up, I see that a forward looking shopping centre is extending the opening times of business over Christmas period and they also offer FREE parking.

This will undoubtedly help their traders still suffering from Labour's mess and give a welcome boost to jobs for local people.

Hold on ??? before you get in the car and rush off and risk getting a parking ticket, its not one of the 6 towns of Sandwell, sadly its the old favourite Merry Hill.

Blogger said
I wonder who else will move to Merry Hill ?, its simple maths

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Come On Sandwell Council give us Free Parking for Christmas

Other Boroughs have shown their intentions, What About forgetting your anti car Policy
for a week or two.
It might even boost trade in our towns !

 I wonder why the West Brom building society moved the Merry Hill?

Monday, 8 October 2012

Are Labour having a Laugh

 Labour showed how well they ran our economy spending and taxing their way through their last term in office, ending in mess we are now all in.
Now its Labour's policies to consider the parking charges in Bearwood
Just what are Labour thinking  ?

If they introduce these proposed parking charges, just how long will it be before customers move to other towns and out of town shopping.
We firmly believe Labour's parking charges have killed West Bromwich the only one that will benefit 
is Merry Hill shopping centre.

Is that why the West Brom building society 
moved the Merry Hill?