Thursday, 21 March 2013

Sandwell's Death Tax

You work hard you never claim on society you scrimp & save for a mortgage you're sensible enough to put a few bob aside for a decent funeral when you go, then in your 50's or 60's you lose your job, then Sandwell come along after your saved up funeral money.

Sandwell have lowered the capital cut off limit for Council tax reduction (CTR)  from £16,000 to £6,000

I went to my old mates funeral just 3 weeks ago and that cost £4800 just for the funeral without
the wake and other expenses
So this means some residents will have to pay council tax from their funeral money

  Blogger said

Other authorities have kept this part of CTR the same, Well done Sandwell a Death Tax
Will Sandwell now come for your Death and Divi money ??

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Sandwell Council Tax Frozen Again

The Conservative led Coalition have given Sandwell the money to freeze your council tax for a further year
Labour controlled Sandwell could have said No, but they decided to accept the Governments money

When Labour were in Government your Council Tax doubled
Since the Conservative led Coalition have been in Government your council tax has not moved and thanks to the Conservatives' third year council tax freeze initiative, when you compare council tax to inflation it means that council tax has fallen in real terms by 9.5 per cent under this Government

Blogger said
Labour are still wasting money and with a Conservative led council we could LOWER your council tax and still improve services

Labour just so good at spending your tax money and when they run out they borrow some more to spend